søndag den 26. juli 2009


Today we went to "Himmelbjerget" which means "The Heaven Moutain" in Danish it is a 147 meters high hill in Denmark near the city of Silkeborg. It is the 5th or 6th highest point in Denmark. The highest point is the hill "Yding Skovhøj" which is 172 meters high which makes Denmark a pritty flat country.

We went there with Greta (Anders' mum) and her boyfriend Ole.

Us on the Himmelbjerget

fredag den 24. juli 2009

Westafrican Marked in Århus August 14-19

Make a reminder on your phone or make a cross in your calender so you don't miss this "Vestafrikansk Marked" out side the Music House in Århus from August 14th till the 19th 2009 each day from 10 to 22.

Click here and Click here for more in Danish