tirsdag den 30. juni 2009

More chickenpox

Jonathan has been fine for week after he had cickenpox.
It is now my (Noliah) turn to have chickenpox :-(
Since I didn't get chickenpox when I was a kid I got it now instead

lørdag den 27. juni 2009

Michael Jackson is dead

Michael Joseph Jackson the "King of Pop" died the 25/6 2009 - may he rest in peace.
A lot of stuff has been sad about him. I didnt know so much about him so I disited to read the book "Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson" by Ian Halperin. We bought the book from amazon.co.uk

torsdag den 18. juni 2009


Poor little Jonathan is ill will chickenpox.

Jonathan har fået skoldkopper

søndag den 7. juni 2009

African party gone bad

Noliah was at an african party in Kolding saturday evening.
The party was great until some guy stapped another guy in the stomach with a corkscrew. See article about the accident (in Danish).
I will never understand why a guy wants to ruin his & another guys life like that.

mandag den 1. juni 2009

Jonathan is walking

Jonathan started walking today at age 1 year and 8 day :-)