fredag den 25. juli 2008

Moesgård Strand

We took a trip to the beach with my sister Lydia.

This is Jonathan's first trip to the beach and his dad Anders celebrates it by getting a sun burn. He got pretty red.

torsdag den 24. juli 2008

Jonathan turns 2 months old

The "Sundhedsplejerske" was here today to check up on his progress. She said he looks perfect and he is a health and strong boy. She weight him at 6.00 kg and measured his length to 61½ cm, so he is growing fast.

søndag den 20. juli 2008

So hollywood Mal

My good friend Malwa and her husband Henrik Vikström was in Prague where this picture was taken.

I love this picture mal, you look so Hollywood, standing on the side as though hiding from the paparazzi

lørdag den 12. juli 2008

Beautiful Day

Just enjoying the sun, its not everyday when you see it in denmark and by the way i just dyed my hair, it did not come out the way i wanted it to but hey it still looks good says my husband.

fredag den 11. juli 2008

Anders created a t-shirt

Anders made a t-shirt for Nathan.
There goes my two boys, the little one is wearing a t.shirt made by the older one, don't they look absolutely fantastic. Well all in all we are making sure that the little one knows that he has two homes. So dad decided to make a t-shirt that shows the flags of his two homes and also it shows his name and date of birth. I love you boys

søndag den 6. juli 2008

Big Boy

Picture taken when Nathan was six weeks old and i was just coming from the doctor with him apparently he has a growth on the back of his head and the doctor said its called a lymph node. Funny enough whilst I was at the doctor he gave me really bad attitude and not even explaining to me what a lymph node is instead he was treating me as if i was crazy but there is one thing he should understand is that this is my first child and its only normal for me to be worried about anything. Anyway thank God I have a sister who is a Nurse and she explained to me what it is all about and advised me to get a second opinion about the growth. Sometimes i wonder if doctors who behave like that are actually qualified.

Any way what the hell I still love my baby and he is getting cute and cute by the day.